quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2007

Pra quem acha que eu não estudo...

Analysis of an Issue

"All groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities and duties. Giving one person central authority and responsibility for a project or task is not an effective way to get work done."

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Support your views with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from your own work or school experiences, your observations, or your readings.

Men always search for a leader to follow, to admire or simply to know that when tough times come, there will be someone to ask for help. Leadership has forever been a great subject to discuss among entrepreneurs and his organizations, once teams and individuals works are the motor for any company, and if the actual structure doesn't bring positive results, managers must analyze not only the tasks but also the relationships between employees - as individuals and in groups.

People are different from each other and this concept may sound more like a "cliche", an overused opinion, but has its value when analyzing personal interactivity especially on groups. Studies have revealed for many times that every person always looks for a leader to keep an eye on. Based on this, whan a formal leader doesn't exist, there may be situations in which the team will institute a leader by himself, and some other times, when the choice may not be that easy, the people inside the team will begin fighting for the leadership, even for an informal one. It doesn't mean that they will be falling on the floor in the middle of the meetings, but they may
begin using verbal agressions against each other, they may incentivate gossip and personal criticism among the members of the team and none of these examples sounds good for a winner team in terms of results and performance.

Undoubtedly, it is always an excellent idea to share responsibilities and duties with a team, but this task should be done by the formal leader. Moreover, he must still answer for his team inside the organization, which means he can divide the work and distribute different tasks for everyone, especially for two reasons: for the leader not to be overloaded with work and responsibility for his team and also to improve better conditions for relationships and teamworks among the members he leads.

Hence, leaders are needed and most of the prospective candidates to leaderships must be trained before becoming effective leaders in order to be aware of groups characteristics and possible known behaviours and conducts. Of course there are many single situations he may face during his experience, however, a practical workshop or course may be helpful anytime.